Needs Met, Prayers Answered, Lives Transformed
How it Works
GoServe works with retailers and suppliers to distribute products through the local church. We equip the church to further serve its community and offer hope in the name of Jesus Christ. The members of the local church have the opportunity to gift the donated products to meet the practical and spiritual needs of their neighbors.
A HUB is a training center and warehouse distribution facility of food, apparel, and household items to resource the local church and Christian organizations (PODs).
A POD is a local church or Christian organization in covenant with GoServe. They receive products from their assigned HUB and equip their HEROs to meet their neighborhoods’ practical and spiritual needs.
A HERO is an individual mobilized by their POD to serve those in need or lost by giving donated products. The gift provides opportunities for the HERO to build relationships and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.