who we are


GoServe is a collaborative group of churches and Christian organizations working together to enable transformation in our state. This dynamic model allows us to connect with those in need by freely providing food, home goods, clothing, and other necessities retail organizations donate. We believe that if we can find a need and fill it, we can cultivate relationships and see lives transformed.

Churches and Christian organizations are uniquely positioned to know their community’s most significant needs. With the resources and products donated by local retail organizations and distributed by GoServe, they are able to share the love of Christ by meeting practical needs.


GoServe resources the local church to expand its reach throughout its communities. Our supply partners allow us to empower the church to go and serve the lost in the name of Jesus.

“Jesus came and told his disciples, ‘I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.’” Matthew 28:18-20 (NLT)


GoServe was launched in Michigan in 2021 by Grand Rapids First Church. Lead Pastors, Sam and Brenda Rijfkogel, modeled the heart of servant evangelism and led their church to always “find a need and fill it.” When the Holy Spirit showed Pastor Sam and his leadership team a way to resource any Gospel-preaching church or Christian non-profit, the Lord said: ”Go and serve the body of Christ.”

GoServe works to empower the local church to reach their communities by being the hands and feet of Jesus. GoServe’s approach to compassion evangelism is the catalyst that helps share the Gospel by providing for the needs of our communities.

“We want to support any church preaching the Gospel, so Grand Rapids First is leaving our logo and ego at the door. GoServe will be an independent organization following the example of the Great Commission by equipping churches, regardless of their location or denomination.”

– Pastor Sam Rijfkogel, Grand Rapids First Lead Pastor, GoServe Board Chairman

The Local Church

God works through the local church to accomplish His mission in every community. Partnering with the local church and Christian organizations is essential because it serves as an ideal venue for GoServe to fulfill the Great Commission and achieve its mission.

“GoServe embraces compassion evangelism by equipping and training the local church to reach their community by helping those who are hurting, lost, and in need with tangible items. Please partner with us to empower every believer to engage people with the Gospel.”

– Pastor Doug Tuttle, GoServe Executive Director

Pastor Doug Tuttle
Executive Director
Pastor Eric Klein-Wassink
Community Engagement Director
Pastor Eric serves as the Community Engagement Director of GoServe. Born and raised in West Michigan, he has been with Grand Rapids First since 2010. Pastor Eric is passionate about seeing people discover, develop and walk out their purpose in life for Jesus. He and his wife, Heather, have three daughters. He loves spending time with his wife and kids, being active outside, and watching movies.
Pastor Troy Williams
HUB Operations Director
Pastor Troy serves as the HUB Operations Director of GoServe. He is passionate about serving and networking with local churches throughout Michigan and developing the next generation of servant leaders. Pastor Troy and his wife, Suellen, have three children and have been a part of Grand Rapids First since 2012. He loves being with his family and enjoys music, billiards, woodworking, and mowing his lawn.
Our Board
Pastor Sam Rijfkogel
Pastor Doug Tuttle
Executive Director
Nadine Gant
Michael Daniels
Don Crossley

Find a need and fill it.